what is google trends

Do you know what is Google Trends? If we don’t know what use it is for us. So today I will tell you how Google Trends is very beneficial for blogging.

When we write a post for our blog, we definitely do keyword research before that. By doing keyword research, we find those keywords which are searched more by the people. And try to give people only the information they want. Google Trends helps us in knowing similar keywords. We will know further how Google Trends works?

What is Google Trends

Google Trends is a tool that records every change that happens over time and shows it to us in the form of a graph. This tool also tells us how many times people have searched which keywords and from which locations.

This helps us to know whether we will benefit from using that keyword or not. In this way, it is a very unique tool which also tells the changes happening with time.

what is google trends

How does Google Trends work?

Well, there are many such tools which you can use for SEO i.e. search engine optimization. Some of these tools are free while some are paid. If you spend some time doing keyword research in those tools, then it will be easier for you to understand how Google Trends works.
First of all, you should understand that the keywords you extract in paid tools or find competitor keywords also show us all the data on the basis of trend, search volume and competition.

Google Trends will give complete information about any keyword from 2004 till just one hour ago. It shows all the information through a graph. You enter your target keywprd in the search query box.

Select whichever country you want to check keyword trends. In this you have to take the time-period for when and till when you want to see the trend in the form of a graph.

Next, select the category of keyword. After that, select the result of web search i.e. Image, News, Shopping, YouTube, which platform you want to see. It will show you its ups and downs in that particular time-period in the form of result in the graph. Along with this, it will also show you related topics and related queries.

Apart from this, Google Trends also provides another feature through which you will compare 2 or more keywords and show them together in a graph. The graph will be the same, all keywords will have different lines. And also the color of the line of each keyword will be different. So in this way you can know the complete history of any keyword.

Benefits of Google Trends Tool

This tool benefits every blogger and website owner in many ways. The purpose of creating a blog or website is to make it reach more people. Because where there are people, the popularity of the blog will increase. Besides this, revenue will also increase.

Interest by Region and Subregion
There are people in every corner of the world whose preferences differ according to their location. If you want, you can easily know their interests with this tool. Suppose you want to bring traffic from US, UK, then you need to know what is trending among the people there.

Then you can choose the best keyword which is searched the most by the people there. Now you can write posts with high quality content on the basis of keywords. If you are expert in Search Engine Optimization then you can bring heavy traffic to your blog from there.

Real Time Data
This tool tracks real time data according to time which is very beneficial for your business. This shows what is being liked today.

Best content creation
Google Trends tool also has the advantage that it helps in writing the best and high quality content. From here, using the best keywords, you can write high quality content on topics that are popular among people. And when the content is of high quality then traffic will definitely come.

This tool is the solution to every problem of our keyword research. There are countless benefits of using it. Which helps in increasing the popularity of blog and website. Initially it may take time to use it and understand things. But if you become master in it then you will become even stronger in SEO.

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