
If you want to start blogging and are confused about which platform to block, then in this post we will tell you what is the best platform for blogging WordPress.
WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS) that is used to create blogs and websites. It is an open source tool that uses PHP and MySQL programming languages. It is completely free on the internet and has a variety of plug-ins and themes available for absolutely free. A great and beautiful website can be easily created using them.
It has made it so easy to manage websites and blogs that today a normal educated man can easily
manage by creating a website even if he does not have technical knowledge. If you have just heard the name of this then it is a very good thing because today you will know what is WordPress.

What is WordPress

WordPress is an online open source website building tool, written using the PHP programming language.
In today’s time, if said, this is the easiest and most powerful blogging website content management system. This content management system has thousands of themes and plugins available to manage the website.


How does WordPress work?

If we talk about some time ago, then creating a website or blog was not an easy task at that time. Because the work of creating a website or blog was done only by web developers and web designers. The content management system was not ready, so it was prepared by the web developers and then they worked on it. This work could be done only if there is enough knowledge of programming language for this. A lot of time was spent on the design and development of the website. This is the easiest and most powerful content website management for blogging in today’s era. Also known as CMS.

What is the importance of WordPress

As of April 2018, 30.6 percent of the top 10 million websites in the world are built on WordPress. That is why it is currently the most popular and most used website management system in the world. It currently has about 50,316 plugins, each of which provides custom functions and is designed to serve as needed. Bloggers are often familiar with this name, because many people start blogging from Google’s product Blogger. But then they need to go further. You might want to know why people love it so much.
For a blogger, the knowledge of SEO is as important as that of a doctor. In the Blogger.com platform, all the work has to be done for search engine optimization. Everyone knows that social signals are also important in blogging. Blog posts have to be shared manually.

Type of WordPress

It offers its services in two ways in which it itself uses 2 different platforms.
1- WordPress.com
2- WordPress.com

1-WordPress.com- if you don’t want to pay for your own domain and hosting. And then
WordPress. It’s your work website. You don’t have to worry about hosting or paying for a web server.
It is completely free to use and you also get the option to customize your website. It also has some
disadvantages of creating a website, such as your domain is the default WordPress. com will be
associated with it.
You will not be able to upload any theme separately to it to change the look of your website. Also, you
will not be able to use any plugins.
2-WordPress.Org- When you buy a domain name for your website and get a web hosting
server and install WordPress on it, then it’s WordPress.org. It works on .org. Here you will find
many advantages of WordPress. It’s not on com.


In short, starting a blog today is not a big deal, anyone who knows how to run a little computer, can use the Internet, they can easily do blogging. That’s why we told you through this post what this WordPress is after all.

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